Folklore Unspun Wool Discs

Folklore Unspun Wool Discs


Each pencil roving disc is approx 200+ grams or 400+ yds of 100% unspun Canadian Wool.

Depending on the thickness desired you can knit with one or more discs at a time, by delicately pulling from both the side and middle strands. Because these are unspun they are fragile to knit with, and require a loose tension.

** Colours may vary slightly between batches from the mill, please take care to order enough to complete your project, as I cannot guarantee the exact shade will be available.

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About the wool-

This wool is a bled of different breeds that contain (but are not limited to) Suffolk, Dorset, Cheviot, Arcott and Corriedale from sheep that are raised on Canadian farms.
The yarn is then processed completely chemical free in a small family operated mill, and delivered to our shop here on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.

Once it arrives, it is then either left completely natural or dyed using salt water from the Salish Sea and locally harvested plants, extracts or other raw materials.
Any dyes that can not be sourced locally are only purchased from suppliers who produce ethical, sustainable and fair trade products.

There is very little processing involved, so the yarn retains its rustic beauty.